Weekly Update
God is REAL! Church Family! Join us in praising our Lord Jesus Christ for His blessings and movement within our church. Several humble souls came forward Sunday to lay down their tobacco use at the altar. They asked for prayer to be able to stop the use of these products. We join them in Jesus name to ask for deliverance and we support them with prayers and love as a church family.
Welcome New Members
We extend the right hand of fellowship to our new church family members Stacy Ott and Shane & Kristy Harvey and son Gavin.
Prayer Request
Please pray for our Missionary Pastor Chris Borck. He has an infected tooth and is experiencing complications with the infection.
Wednesday Night Ministries
This Wednesday we will continue with our REVIVAL ministries. A community meal of spaghetti, meat sauce, salad and garlic bread will be served at 5:45pm. Opening ceremonies will follow at 6:25pm. We will then divide into age groups for Bible studies. Please join us in prayer as we are seeking an adult leader for the adult bible study class. That person would lead the group in prayer, update the prayer list and discuss the weekly bible study.
Golden Oldies this Thursday
Please join us this Thursday for a Golden Oldies Road Trip. We will all meet at the Blessing Hotel in Blessing, Texas at 11:30 am. This is a great time of fellowship and a great place to eat. Please join us!
Convoy of Hope
Saturday, September 29, 2018, the Convoy of Hope will be stationed at the Calhoun County Fairgrounds from 11 am (while supplies last) They are a nonprofit organization that will be providing the following services: prayer, a free meal, groceries, kids zone, children’s shoes, community services, family portraits, haircuts, health services, and Veteran’s services. Rain or Shine. FOR MORE INFO: (361)746-0857 or nbagchurch@yahoo.com Shelley and I will be there to Pray for those needing Prayer. If you would like to join us, meet us at the fairgrounds. Please wear your Bayside T-Shirt. God is Good!
Sunday September 30, 2018
Crisis Pregnancy Center
The Baby Bottle Boomerang fundraiser for the Calhoun County Crisis Pregnancy Center is drawing to a close this Sunday. Please turn in the bottles as we will deliver them back to the center on Monday, October 1, 2018. We are mission minded and saving souls for the kingdom of heaven! Thank you to all whom signed out the baby bottles. Amen!
Gideon Bible Ministry
Mr. Brett Baldwin will join us Sunday to deliver a short message on the Gideon Bible Ministry. This is the group that provided 100 New Testament Bibles to our Missionary Pastor Chris Brock.
Sunday School
I would like to invite you to Sunday School. Sunday School begins at 9:45 AM. Sunday School offers you a chance to meet with church family in a smaller group setting. This allows a chance for open discussions and a more intimate time of Bible study.
Javier Galvan Ministries – Concert
Sunday, September 30 at 5:00 pm, Javier Galvan Ministries will present an evening of gospel music and testimony. Javier Galvan is known for his mainstream work as a Hispanic Recording Artist. He currently has launched a radio station that focuses on bringing the Gospel to the lost and saving souls for the kingdom. We are praying for the local Spanish speaking community to feel welcome as they attend the concert. If you are interested in helping us host this event, please meet here at 4:00 pm. We will need greeters, ushers, sound system tech, and we pray we need help with parking and other areas of hospitality. We would like to have coffee, tea and water available for guests in the fellowship hall. Please pray for this opportunity to witness to our surrounding communities.
May the Lord Bless you and Keep you Always!,
Pastor Ruben