Beautiful Sunny Morning to YOU! 

May the Lord of Grace Bless You Abundantly with His AMAZING LOVE.


Wednesday Ministries 

Community Fellowship Meal @ 5:45 PM

Prayer and Bible Study @ 6:25 PM

Sunday March 10, 2019

Our New Series “Live Like God is in Control”

This series is about Preaching and Living The Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Here is some of Sunday’s Message:

  1. Don’t look out for #1

Look at the first four verses of chapter 2. We are instructed that in the midst of difficulties that we should not look out for number one! This certainly runs counter to the spirit of this age. It’s easy to be magnanimous when everything is rolling along well. But Paul laid his challenge in front of people who were experiencing persecution. For example, consider these words:

“Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.” (Philippians 2:3-4)

The Scripture tells us that we should not look after our own well-being but that we should look after the well-being of others. We learn from the Gospels that when Jesus was on the cross, he focused on the Father’s will and was concerned about the standing of those who persecuted him. Jesus prayed, “Father, forgive them because they don’t know what they’re doing.” (Luke 23:34) Or even before that terrible day on the cross Jesus placed his focus on the Father’s will, and was constantly reconciling people to God. What an example! In fact, whether in times of persecution or in times of safety and security there is simply no other way to reflect Jesus Christ.

Facility Team Meeting @ 5:00 PM

Intercessory Prayer @ 6:00 PM

March 31, 2019 

Quarterly Church Business Meeting @ 4:00 PM

Praise and Worship Service @ 5:00 PM

Blessings with Christ’s Love,

Pastor Ruben and Shelley

Categories: Blog


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